Problem 2 - Practical HBM

One- and Two-Component Gaussian Mixture Hierarchcial Bayesian Modeling with PyJAGS

Simulating the eccentricity distribution of hot Jupiter exoplanets from the Kepler Mission

LSSTC DSFP Session 4, September 21st, 2017

Author: Megan I. Shabram, PhD, NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow,
  1. Use the code below to explore a two-component Gaussian mixture model
  2. Using the simulated data code cells below, evaluate the one-component truncated Gaussian generative model simualted data with the two-component Gaussian mixture HBM. What do you notice about the posteriors for the mixture fractions?
  3. Repeat this exersize but now evaluating simulated data from a one-component generative model with a two-component HBM.
  4. Notebook 3: Using the JAGS model code block for a break-point HBM, set up and evaluate the break-point HBM on the real Kepler eclipsing binary data set provided (some code is provided for analysis).

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyjags
import pickle

from __future__ import division, print_function
from import *
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams["savefig.dpi"] = 100
rcParams["font.size"] = 20'ggplot')

%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

1. Generate simulated data set: one- and two-component truncated Gaussian mixture generative models:

In [ ]:
## function to draw from truncated normal, this function will be used for both the 
## one- and two-componenet cases in this workbook.  

def rnorm_bound( Ndata, mu, prec, lower_bound = 0.0, upper_bound = float('Inf')):
    x = np.zeros(Ndata)
    for i in range(0, Ndata): 
            while True:
                x[i] = np.random.normal(mu,prec,1)
                if( (x[i]>lower_bound) and (x[i]<upper_bound) ): 
    return x;

In [ ]:
## Check the output to make sure the function is outputting as expected. 
print(rnorm_bound(10, 0.0, 0.001, lower_bound=-1,upper_bound=1))

In [ ]:
## One-component Gaussian Mixture Simulated Data for both projected eccentricity terms
## Below we designate the population values of our generative model. These are the 
## truths that we should recover if our hiararchical Bayesian model is properly specified 
## and diagnostics have indicated that the simulation has "not not converged". "You can't 
## prove convergence, at best you can fail to prove a failure to converge".

## In this simulated data set, their are 25 planetary systems (with one planet each)
Ndata = 25 
## Here we asign the dispersion of the simulated population to be 0.3, this is 
## the truth we wish to recovern 
sigmae = 0.3 
## We approximate the uncertainty for each measurement as normally distributed about a 
## reporte measurement point estimate.  
## For the eccentricity distribution for Hot Jupiters, the physical models used to derive 
## these produce larger uncertainty in k by a factor of 2. 
sigmahobs = 0.04
sigmakobs = 0.08

h = np.repeat(0.,Ndata)
k = np.repeat(0.,Ndata)
hhat = np.repeat(0.,Ndata)
khat = np.repeat(0.,Ndata)
hhat_sigma  = np.repeat(sigmahobs,Ndata)
khat_sigma  = np.repeat(sigmakobs,Ndata)


for i in range(0,Ndata):
    h[i] = rnorm_bound(1,0,sigmae,lower_bound=-1,upper_bound=1)
    lb = -np.sqrt(1-h[i]**2)
    ub = np.sqrt(1-h[i]**2)
    k[i] = rnorm_bound(1,0,sigmae,lower_bound=lb,upper_bound=ub) 
    hhat[i] = rnorm_bound(1,h[i],sigmahobs,lower_bound=-1,upper_bound=1)
    khat[i] = rnorm_bound(1,k[i],sigmakobs,lower_bound=lb,upper_bound=ub)

## Vizualize the true data values, and the simulated measurements:     
print(h, hhat, k, khat)

In [ ]:
## JAGS user manual: 

## JAGS model code

## model code is the one-component truncated gaussian mixture HBM code from previous 
## notebook

code1 = '''

model {
    #Population parameters
    e_sigma ~ dunif(0.0, 1.0)
    e_phi <- 1/(e_sigma*e_sigma)
    for (n in 1:Ndata){
        #True planet properties
        h[n] ~ dnorm(0, e_phi) T(-1,1) #Can try multivariate truncated normal in future
        k[n] ~ dnorm(0, e_phi) T(-sqrt(1-h[n]*h[n]),sqrt(1-h[n]*h[n]))
        #Observed planet properties
        hhat[n] ~ dnorm(h[n], 1.0/(hhat_sigma[n]*hhat_sigma[n])) T(-1,1)
        khat[n] ~ dnorm(k[n], 1.0/(khat_sigma[n]*khat_sigma[n])) T(-sqrt(1-hhat[n]*hhat[n]),sqrt(1-hhat[n]*hhat[n]))

In [ ]:
## Load additional JAGS module

## See blog post for origination of the adapted analysis tools used here and below:

num_chains = 4
iterations = 10000

## data list include only variables in the model
model = pyjags.Model(code1, data=dict( Ndata=Ndata, hhat=hhat, khat=khat, 
                                     hhat_sigma=hhat_sigma, khat_sigma=khat_sigma), 
                     chains=num_chains, adapt=1000)

## Code to speed up compute time. This feature might not be 
## well tested in pyjags at this time. 
## threads=4, chains_per_thread=1 

## 500 warmup / burn-in iterations, not used for inference.
model.sample(500, vars=[])

## Run model for desired steps, monitoring hyperparameter variables, and latent variables
## for hierarchical Bayesian model.
## Returns a dictionary with numpy array for each monitored variable.
## Shapes of returned arrays are (... shape of variable ..., iterations, chains).
## samples = model.sample(#iterations per chain here, vars=['e_sigma', 'h', 'k'])
samples = model.sample(iterations, vars=['e_sigma', 'h', 'k'])

## Code to save, open and use pickled dictionary of samples:
## -- Pickle the data --
#with open('ecc_1_test.pkl', 'wb') as handle:
#   pickle.dump(samples, handle)
## -- Retrieve pickled data --
#with open('ecc_1_test.pkl', 'rb') as handle:
#   retrieved_results = pickle.load(handle)

In [ ]:
## Generalize code for both h and k below. 


## Print and check the shape of the resultant samples dictionary:

## Update the samples dictionary so that it includes keys for the latent variables
## Also, we will use LaTeX formatting to help make legible plots ahead.  
samples_Nm1 = {}

## adjust the thin varible to only look at every 10th population element by setting it to 10
thin = 1
## Need to enter the number of hyperparameter variables here:
numHyperParams = 1
## Specify the dimension we want for our plot below, for legibility.  
dim = (Ndata/thin)*2 + numHyperParams

for i in np.arange(0,Ndata,thin):
    #hval = 'h'+str(i+1)
    #kval = 'k'+str(i+1)
    #samples_Nm1({hval: samples['h'][i,:,:]})
    samples_Nm1.update({'$h_{'+str(i+1)+'}$': samples['h'][i,:,:], '$k_{'+str(i+1)+'}$': samples['k'][i,:,:]})

## Add the hyperparameter marginal posterior back in:
samples_Nm1.update({'$e_{\sigma}$': samples['e_sigma'].squeeze(0)})

## Below, examine the updated and reformatted sample dictionary to include keys for 
## latent variables 
for j, i in samples_Nm1.items():

Below is code to look at summary statistics of the marginal posterior distributions (the probabilistic parameter estimates) for the hyperparameter and the latent variables (each population constituent), in this case h and k (a.k.a projected eccentricity here), of the exoplanet systems we are simulating).

In [ ]:
## equal tailed 95% credible intervals, and posterior distribution means:
def summary(samples, varname, p=95):
    values = samples[varname][0]
    ci = np.percentile(values, [100-p, p])
    print('{:<6} mean = {:>5.1f}, {}% credible interval [{:>4.1f} {:>4.1f}]'.format(
      varname, np.mean(values), p, *ci))

for varname in samples_Nm1:
    summary(samples_Nm1, varname)

In [ ]:
## Use pandas three dimensional Panel to represent the trace:

trace = pd.Panel({k: v for k, v in samples_Nm1.items()})
trace.axes[0].name = 'Variable'
trace.axes[1].name = 'Iteration'
trace.axes[2].name = 'Chain'
## Point estimates:
## Bayesian equal-tailed 95% credible intervals:
print(trace.to_frame().quantile([0.05, 0.95]))
  ## ^ entering the values here could be a good question part
def plot(trace, var):
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3))
    fig.suptitle(var, y=0.95, fontsize='xx-large')
    ## Marginal posterior density estimate:
    axes[0].set_xlabel('Parameter value')
    ## Autocorrelation for each chain:
    axes[1].set_xlim(0, 100)
    for chain in trace[var].columns:
        autocorrelation_plot(trace[var,:,chain], axes[1], label=chain)
    ## Trace plot:
    axes[2].set_ylabel('Parameter value')
    ## Save figure
    filename = var.replace("\\", "") 
    filename = filename.replace("$", "") 
    filename = filename.replace("}", "") 
    filename = filename.replace("{", "") 
# Display diagnostic plots
for var in trace:
    plot(trace, var)

In [ ]:
## Scatter matrix plot:

## Redefine the trace so that we only vizualize every 10th latent variable element in 
## the scatter_matrix plot below. Vizualizing all 50 is too cumbersome for the scatter
## matrix. 

samples_Nm1_for_scatter_matrix = {}
## adjust the thin varible to only look at every 10th population element by setting it to 10
thin = 10
numHyperParams = 1
dim = (Nsamp/thin)*2 + numHyperParams

for i in np.arange(0,Nsamp,thin):
    samples_Nm1_for_scatter_matrix.update({'$h_{'+str(i+1)+'}$': samples['h'][i,:,:], '$k_{'+str(i+1)+'}$': samples['k'][i,:,:]})
samples_Nm1_for_scatter_matrix.update({'$e_{\sigma}$': samples['e_sigma'].squeeze(0)})

for j, i in samples_Nm1_for_scatter_matrix.items():
#    print(i)

trace_2 = pd.Panel({k: v for k, v in samples_Nm1_for_scatter_matrix.items()})

sm = scatter_matrix(trace_2.to_frame(),  color="darkturquoise", alpha=0.2, figsize=(dim*2, dim*2), diagonal='hist',hist_kwds={'bins':25,'histtype':'step', 'edgecolor':'r','linewidth':2})
## y labels size
[plt.setp(item.yaxis.get_label(), 'size', 20) for item in sm.ravel()]
## x labels size 
[plt.setp(item.xaxis.get_label(), 'size', 20) for item in sm.ravel()]
## Change label rotation
## This is helpful for very long labels
#[s.xaxis.label.set_rotation(45) for s in sm.reshape(-1)]
[s.xaxis.label.set_rotation(0) for s in sm.reshape(-1)]
[s.yaxis.label.set_rotation(0) for s in sm.reshape(-1)]
## May need to offset label when rotating to prevent overlap of figure
[s.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(-0.5,0.5) for s in sm.reshape(-1)]
## Hide all ticks
#[s.set_xticks(()) for s in sm.reshape(-1)]
#[s.set_yticks(()) for s in sm.reshape(-1)]


2. Generalize to a two-component Gaussian Mixture Population Model

In [ ]:
## Below we designate the population values of our two-component truncated Gaussian 
## generative model. These are the truths that we should recover if our hiararchical 
## Bayesian model is properly specified and diagnostics have indicated that the simulation 
## has "not not converged".
Ndata = 50
Nm = 2
frac = [0.7,0.3]
sigmae = [0.05,0.3]

## After generating values from the population model, we now add realistic Gaussian noise 
## to create simulated measurements. 
sigmahobs = 0.04
sigmakobs = 0.08

h = np.repeat(0.,Ndata)
k = np.repeat(0.,Ndata)
hhat = np.repeat(0.,Ndata)
khat = np.repeat(0.,Ndata)
hhat_sigma  = np.repeat(sigmahobs,Ndata)
khat_sigma  = np.repeat(sigmakobs,Ndata)


for i in range(0,Ndata):
    c = np.random.choice(len(frac), 1, p=frac, replace=True)
    h[i] = rnorm_bound(1,0,sigmae[int(c)],lower_bound=-1,upper_bound=1)
    # Euler's formula: h^2 + k^2 = 1
    lb = -np.sqrt(1-h[i]**2)
    ub = np.sqrt(1-h[i]**2)
    k[i] = rnorm_bound(1,0,sigmae[int(c)],lower_bound=lb,upper_bound=ub) 
    hhat[i] = rnorm_bound(1,h[i],sigmahobs,lower_bound=-1,upper_bound=1)
    khat[i] = rnorm_bound(1,k[i],sigmakobs,lower_bound=lb,upper_bound=ub)

print(h, hhat, k, khat)

In [ ]:
# JAGS model code

code = '''

model {
    #Population parameters
    for (j in 1:Nm) {
        e_sigma[j] ~ dunif(0.0, 1.0)
        e_phi[j] <- 1/(e_sigma[j]*e_sigma[j])
        a[j] <- 1;

    f ~ ddirch(a[])
    for (n in 1:Ndata){
        #True planet properties
        c[n] ~ dcat(f[]) 
        h[n] ~ dnorm(0, e_phi[c[n]]) T(-1,1) #Can try multivariate truncated normal in future
        k[n] ~ dnorm(0, e_phi[c[n]]) T(-sqrt(1-h[n]*h[n]),sqrt(1-h[n]*h[n]))
        #Observed planet properties
        hhat[n] ~ dnorm(h[n], 1.0/(hhat_sigma[n]*hhat_sigma[n])) T(-1,1)
        khat[n] ~ dnorm(k[n], 1.0/(khat_sigma[n]*khat_sigma[n])) T(-sqrt(1-hhat[n]*hhat[n]),sqrt(1-hhat[n]*hhat[n]))

In [ ]:
# Load additional JAGS module

#data list include only variables in the model
model = pyjags.Model(code, data=dict(Nm=Nm, Ndata=Ndata, hhat=hhat, khat=khat, 
                                     hhat_sigma=hhat_sigma, khat_sigma=khat_sigma), 
                     chains=4, adapt=1000)
# threads=4, chains_per_thread=1 
# 500 warmup / burn-in iterations, not used for inference.
model.sample(500, vars=[])

## Run model for desired steps, monitoring hyperparameter variables.
## Returns a dictionary with numpy array for each monitored variable.
## Shapes of returned arrays are (... shape of variable ..., iterations, chains).
iters = 1000000
samples2 = model.sample(iters, vars=['e_sigma', 'h', 'k', 'c', 'f'])

# Pickle the data
#with open('ecc_1_test.pkl', 'wb') as handle:
#    pickle.dump(samples, handle)
# Retrieve pickled data
# with open('ecc_1_test.pkl', 'rb') as handle:
#      retrieved_results = pickle.load(handle)

Sort the high and low mixture components to accomidate the exchangeability of parameters

In [ ]:
chain_thin = 100
start = int(iters-1000)
esigma_low = np.where(samples2['e_sigma'][0,start::,:] <= samples2['e_sigma'][1,start::,:], samples2['e_sigma'][0,start::,:], samples2['e_sigma'][1,start::,:])
esigma_hi = np.where(samples2['e_sigma'][0,start::,:] > samples2['e_sigma'][1,start::,:], samples2['e_sigma'][0,start::,:], samples2['e_sigma'][1,start::,:])
f_low = np.where(samples2['e_sigma'][0,start::,:] <= samples2['e_sigma'][1,start::,:], samples2['f'][0,start::,:], samples2['f'][1,start::,:])
f_hi = np.where(samples2['e_sigma'][0,start::,:] > samples2['e_sigma'][1,start::,:], samples2['f'][0,start::,:], samples2['f'][1,start::,:])

In [ ]:
iters = 1000000


samples_Nm2 = {}
thin = 1
numHyperParams = 4
dim = (Nsamp/thin)*2 + numHyperParams
for i in np.arange(0,Nsamp,thin):
    samples_Nm2.update({'$h_{'+str(i+1)+'}$': samples2['h'][i,start::,:], '$k_{'+str(i+1)+'}$': samples2['k'][i,start::,:]})
samples_Nm2.update({'$e_{\sigma_{low}}$': esigma_low, '$e_{\sigma_{high}}$': esigma_hi })
samples_Nm2.update({'$f_{low}$': f_low,'$f_{high}$': f_hi })

for j, i in samples_Nm2.items():

In [ ]:
## equal tailed 95% credible intervals, and posterior distribution means:
def summary(samples, varname, p=95):
    values = samples[varname][0]
    ci = np.percentile(values, [100-p, p])
    print('{:<6} mean = {:>5.1f}, {}% credible interval [{:>4.1f} {:>4.1f}]'.format(
      varname, np.mean(values), p, *ci))

for varname in samples_Nm2:
    summary(samples_Nm2, varname)

In [ ]:
## Use pandas three dimensional Panel to represent the trace:

trace = pd.Panel({k: v for k, v in samples_Nm2.items()})
trace.axes[0].name = 'Variable'
trace.axes[1].name = 'Iteration'
trace.axes[2].name = 'Chain'
## Point estimates:
## Bayesian equal-tailed 95% credible intervals:
print(trace.to_frame().quantile([0.05, 0.95]))
  ## ^ entering the values here could be a good question part
def plot(trace, var):
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3))
    fig.suptitle(var, y=0.95, fontsize='xx-large')
    ## Marginal posterior density estimate:
    axes[0].set_xlabel('Parameter value')
    ## Autocorrelation for each chain:
    axes[1].set_xlim(0, 100)
    for chain in trace[var].columns:
        autocorrelation_plot(trace[var,:,chain], axes[1], label=chain)
    ## Trace plot:
    axes[2].set_ylabel('Parameter value')
    ## Save figure
    filename = var.replace("\\", "") 
    filename = filename.replace("/", "") 
    filename = filename.replace("$", "") 
    filename = filename.replace("}", "") 
    filename = filename.replace("{", "") 

## Display diagnostic plots
for var in trace:
    plot(trace, var)

In [ ]:
## Scatter matrix plot:

## Redefine the trace so that we only vizualize every 10th latent variable element in 
## the scatter_matrix plot below. Vizualizing all 50 is too cumbersome for the scatter
## matrix. 

samples_Nm2_for_scatter_matrix = {}

## adjust the thin varible to only look at every 10th population element by setting it to 10
thin = 10
numHyperParams = 4
dim = (Ndata/thin)*2 + numHyperParams

for i in np.arange(0,Ndata,thin):
    samples_Nm2_for_scatter_matrix.update({'$h_{'+str(i+1)+'}$': samples2['h'][i,start::,:], '$k_{'+str(i+1)+'}$': samples2['k'][i,start::,:]})
samples_Nm2_for_scatter_matrix.update({'$e_{\sigma_{low}}$': esigma_low, '$e_{\sigma_{high}}$': esigma_hi })
samples_Nm2_for_scatter_matrix.update({'$f_{low}$': f_low,'$f_{high}$': f_hi })

for j, i in samples_Nm2_for_scatter_matrix.items():
#    print(i)

trace_3 = pd.Panel({k: v for k, v in samples_Nm2_for_scatter_matrix.items()})

sm = scatter_matrix(trace_3.to_frame(),  color="darkturquoise", alpha=0.2, figsize=(dim*2, dim*2), diagonal='hist',hist_kwds={'bins':25,'histtype':'step', 'edgecolor':'r','linewidth':2})
## y labels size
[plt.setp(item.yaxis.get_label(), 'size', 20) for item in sm.ravel()]
## x labels size 
[plt.setp(item.xaxis.get_label(), 'size', 20) for item in sm.ravel()]
## Change label rotation
## This is helpful for very long labels
#[s.xaxis.label.set_rotation(45) for s in sm.reshape(-1)]
[s.xaxis.label.set_rotation(0) for s in sm.reshape(-1)]
[s.yaxis.label.set_rotation(0) for s in sm.reshape(-1)]
## May need to offset label when rotating to prevent overlap of figure
[s.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(-0.5,0.5) for s in sm.reshape(-1)]
## Hide all ticks
#[s.set_xticks(()) for s in sm.reshape(-1)]
#[s.set_yticks(()) for s in sm.reshape(-1)]


In [ ]: